The Pas Local News

Amanda Lathlin Addresses Possible Cuts to the Northern Patient Transportation Program During Question Period

During Question Period in The Manitoba Legislature recently The Pas MLA Amanda Lathlin addressed the possibility of cuts to the Northern Patient transportation program.


Lathlin stated that Under the Northern Patient Transportation Program a physician fills out a travel warrant so that a patent can be covered when they need to see a doctor but according to the provincial governments own records the department of health is looking at eliminating travel warrants for anyone that travels inside the Northern Health Region for elective procedures which includes dental surgery for children. This would mean that a child who had to travel to Thompson for dental surgery wouldn’t be covered for an escort. She asked if the Minister would promise that he would not approve this cut.


Cameron Friesen the Minister of Health, Seniors, and Active Living responded by saying that the government places tremendous value in the Northern Patient Transportation program but that the costs steadily increase within the program by millions of dollars and there was some misuse with the program. He added that they want to make sure the program will last and continue to be strong to provide for Northern Manitobans. He accused Lathlin of quote trying to create fear in the minds and hearts of Northerners by pretending that when a child will go for an appointment that they won’t be accompanied by a parent.


Lathlin also brought up the possible cuts to the northern patient Transportation Programs Coverage for Northern Manitobans who don’t live in fly in communities which means that the government will cut Northern Patient Transportation coverage for 75 percent of the communities covered by the Northern health Authority. When asked if the minister would not make this cut Friesen said that the Northern Patient Transportation program has been reviewed externally and officials spoke about the need to look at it again to unsure that its use was verifiable and it was being used by the right people at the right times for the right purposes.


Finally, Lathlin asked why the government was even thinking about cuts that they know will cost more and threaten the health of Northern Manitobans Friesen responded by saying that that assertion is false.

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