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NDP wants to help communities in the fight against the climate crisis

OTTAWA —Today, NDP MP Niki Ashton (Churchill–Keewatinook Aski) held a press conference ahead of the first hour of debate on her bill that aims to use public ownership in the fight against climate change. If passed, the bill would modify the mandate of the Canada Infrastructure Bank to prioritize public investments to help communities, particularly Indigenous and Northern communities, in the fight against the climate crisis instead of maximizing corporate profits. 
“We have seen many climate disasters across the country including in northern Manitoba where wildfires have forced communities to evacuate to stay alive,” said Ashton. “And, just this week, the IPCC came out with a damning report highlighting the urgency needed to fight climate change. The window for climate change adaptation is quickly closing. The Liberal's failure to act is threatening communities and their way of life. My bill aims to bring infrastructure and tools to these communities to help them with mitigation and adaption where they live.”
In its current form, the Canada Infrastructure Bank is putting the profits of rich investors ahead of the needs of people who face the dangers of the climate crisis. And the Canada Infrastructure Bank has failed to complete one project since its creation almost 5 years ago. The bill aims to remove the part from the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s mandate that allows it to seek out private investment in the interest of rich CEOs and encourages the federal government to fund public projects that foster climate change mitigation and adaptation. These projects can include winter roads and sustainable homes that Indigenous and northern communities need. The bill will also ensure Indigenous and northern communities participate on the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s board so that their realities are addressed directly.
“We must act now. Time is running out,” said Ashton. “We must invest in Indigenous, northern and all our communities to help build the infrastructure they need and to support their efforts for a just transition. Enough empty words, we need action. We need everyone supporting the communities at the forefront of the climate crisis. This bill does just that and I invite all parliamentarians who value the right of Canadians to live in a healthy and clean environment to support this bill.”

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