The Pas Local News

The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce Responds to the Manitoba Government's January 19, 2021 Announcement Regarding Proposed Changes to the Current Code Red Restrictions

It was with great hope we saw that the Province of Manitoba was considering easing the restrictions on businesses in Manitoba, where retail operations could sell all items, not just the non-essential items. Health services, salons, and barbershops could open. People could visit family. There was the hope that life could return to a little bit of normal,” said President Jill Wilkinson. “However, we now see that what is being proposed is that the North will remain in the more restrictive area."


“Our Chamber feelthat the Government is making decisions that are not based on the realities in our area. Using the “high numbers in the remote north communities” as the only benchmark for the continuation of Code Red status does not adequately reflect the realities of the Covid cases in the North. The higher case numbers can be attributed to a few communities, not the entire region.


Stated Wilkinson Once again, The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, and RM of Kelsey, are being lumped in with other areas that are suffering outbreaks. “On November 3rd, we were in Code Orange status with 71 active cases. Later that month, when the province went into Code Red status our area had 148 active cases. According to the provinces own Covid Tracking by District, as of January 19, 2021, The Pas/OCN/Kelsey only has 71 active cases. “It would only make sense that we return to lesser code restrictions now that our cases are the same as November 3rd. Our numbers are not increasing rapidly like our fall outbreak, and that included a local personal care home.


In fact, the numbers have leveled off with one or two cases a day. “Our elderly and hospital staff are getting vaccinated, yet we are still lacking definitive data about contact tracing in our area.Wilkinson questions the decision and wants the Province to justify their action to keep this area restricted,Please respond and identify the reasoning and data to keepour areain Code Red."


The lack of acknowledgment that situations are different around the North is reflective of the continued lack of awareness about the North and the communities within the region. Northern Manitoba is a vast regionand decisions should be made district by district the same way the government's own tracking database differentiates.” Stated Wilkinson,“We will continue to advocate for our northern business with the government in hopes of having these restrictions eased”

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