The Pas Local News

MKO on Schools Reopening

With schools set to reopen in less than a month’s time, MKO is voicing concerns over how the reopening will go in the north.


In a news release, Grand Chief Garrison Settee states that the risk of COVID-19 in Manitoba is still very much prevalent as we continue to see a rise in cases.


Settee explains that schools across the province lack the adequate resources to respond to the coronavirus.


He says that some schools in the region are better equipped to respond to the pandemic due to having low student populations to allow for physical distancing, but many schools have large student bodies, which means they will have to consider setting up classes in gyms, multi-purpose rooms, and libraries.


Settee states that First Nations are planning for various scenarios to ensure that schools can be safe from COVID-19, and that the province should utilize every possible avenue to ensure the safety of students and teachers.

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